kid friendly

A crunchy cornmeal coating and some under ripe tomatoes are the basis for Hilah Johnson's fried green tomatoes.Read more
This soup will warm you from the inside out; enjoy it with hearty bread and salad for a healthy and satisfying meal.Read more
Creamy cream cheese frosting is a perfect foil for these spiced, dense, rich cupcakes.Read more
Any day's a great day when you start with this quick and tasty goat cheese and bell pepper omelet.Read more
Fragrant, nutty-flavored basmati rice gets a boost from fresh dill to lift it from the usual fare to a memorable side.Read more
Adding flavor to tofu is a snap with this simple video recipe that makes for a delicious main dish or snack.Read more
Using maple syrup instead of refined white sugar makes Philip Speer's blondies especially delectable.Read more
Tempeh, made from fermented soybeans, gives a deep flavor and meaty texture to Dana Tomlin's vegetarian taco filling.Read more
Millet is an often underappreciated grain. Its sweet nutty flavor is perfect in these chewy patties with crispy edges.Read more
A simple noodle dish like this is perfect for a busy weeknight. Add some cooked chicken or shrimp and make a meal of it.Read more
