quick and easy

Bowl of Quinoa Salad with Sweet Potatoes and Peppers
Quinoa has such a nutty, mild flavor making it a natural fit for pairing with sweet vegetables and a touch of honey.Read more
Not your average slaw, this golden-hued, slightly sweet, summer favorite punches up the flavor with Indian spices.Read more
A fabulous bean burger infused with Jamaica's much loved warming spices and, of course, a bit of heat.Read more
These Maple Cinnamon cupcakes are dense, moist, yet not overly sweet. They make a great dessert or "anytime" treat!Read more
A delicious meatball stew with extra meatballs to save for later—for a meatball sandwich, pizza topping or soup.Read more
Black garlic—which is fermented and is mild, sweet and savory—make this salad a treat. Plus you get your greens in!Read more
Jar of homemade Spinach Parsley Pesto
Parsley and spinach add a delicious twist to this versatile pesto. Great in soups, pastas, spread on sandwiches, on pizzas or in veggie sauces.Read more
This versatile soup can be seasoned to go with any meal. One day Italian inspired, next Asian, and then Mexican.Read more
Peppery watercress adds zing—and a vitamin and mineral boost—to this aioli chicken wrap.Read more
A festival of Asian flavors, with chiles, fish sauce and green curry create a quick and delicious curry sensation.Read more
